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Welcome to the LooneyBin

Published: 06/23/2022 16:22:33
Tagged: sanesite

For the last few years I've been remiss in keeping a personal blog that didn't suck. Lately I've had need (or desire?) to post some longer-form project info, or re-establish a web presence for things that don't fit nicely into the buckets served by social media.

As such, it was time to kick the dust off some old code and older methods of authoring things, drag them somewhat into the current century and give it a go.

I tried out Jekyll for the last few years on this site, and just didn't like it. So I've (re)rolled-my own static site generator, and I'll be using it to manage this site as the dry-run / POC for that generator, which I'm calling sanesite.

I look forward to seeing what the future holds in regard to this space.